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Literary Scribblings

"I'm fascinated with text—from deep imagery and the history of language development, right down to the process of creating new fonts. My favourite classes at The University of Toronto were the ones that helped us to understand where our language comes from, and what it can do for us. From Professor Akbari's Chaucer and Milton classes to Professor Downes' Critical Approaches to Literature, to Jordan Peterson's Maps of Meaning, I've learned to appreciate the English language from micro to macro, pronunciation to understanding—its origins and development, its power, and the meanings it holds for us all."

—J. D. Dresner

Check Out These Pages . . .


THE HERO'S JOURNEY: Typically, a hero(ine) must take certain steps to complete his or her journey. From start to finish, Joseph Campbell describes this journey in stages, in his book, "The Hero With A Thousand Faces."

See here, the steps Campbell was talking about.


ANALYSIS OF THE DRAGON AND THE THREE KNIGHTS: J.D. Dresner wrote a short story in 3 parts, back when he took Jordan Peterson's Maps of Meaning course at the University of Toronto. Here, you will find an analysis of the story, and a bit of insight as to how he came up with similar themes many write about today.

See here, J.D. Dresner's analysis.

Joseph Boyden Portrait of JD Dresner.png

A WRITTEN PORTRAIT OF J.D. DRESNER: Canadian Author​, Joseph Boyden wrote a "portrait" of me after I met him at a Word On The Street festival.

See here what Boyden wrote about me.


WHY FANTASY? What's the relevance behind fantasy stories? Are they just whimsical escapism, or is there more to it than that? This page discusses the need for fantasy in today's world.

See my thoughts on why fantasy is important.

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